Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aidan Hulme Latest


The Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA)welcome the latest development in the Aidan Hulme campaign whereby the Prison Governor in Portlaoise Gaol has agreed with the prisoners and Aidan that the OC and Adjutant will be allowed access to accompany Aidan when he is visited by a doctor or when visited by the Governor.

Today (15/10/08) such a visit took place and it is confirmed that gangrene is not present in Aidan’s foot rather the symptoms are a result of a severe infection for which Aidan is now being treated.

Staff from the hospital will now visit Aidan to clean the infected areas of his foot and renew dressings to prevent further spread of infection.

An assurance is also given that Aidan will have a consultant assessment before the end of the month and an agreed care plan is being implemented and developed. This will allow for a proper consultant led care management package.

This positive and jointly agreed approach to Aidan’s welfare will ensure early intervention in the event of deterioration and will allow for continuous monitoring of his condition.

The negative effects of the medication will also be closely monitored and with Aidan’s agreement can be reduced depending on his individual needs at any given time.

The IRPWA on behalf of the POW’s would like at this time to thank most sincerely the many people who moved to support Aidan in his time of need and to those who sent greetings.

We would like to extend this thanks to other republican organisations who pledged their support and advice to ensure that Aidan received immediate professional intervention.

Aidan is indeed most grateful for all the support he has received and extends his heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved.

Marion Price


Friday, October 10, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whilst The Occupation Remains, Resistance Remains

The revelations that the people of Derry City are to be petitioned in order to put pressure on Anti Agreement Republican Separatists to disband is disingenuous in the extreme and smacks not only of political opportunism but also no small measure of desperation.

It is clear that those behind this political stunt are using the understandable anger in the community at the murder of Emmet Sheils to further their own political objectives, namely an end to opposition to support for the RUC/PSNI and the British Administration in Stormont.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement will not be deflected from our political work by such ill conceived political posturing nor will any other Anti Agreement Republican groupings.

Those who have sought to ferment community tensions by deliberately and falsely attributing blame for the murder of Emmet Sheils will be exposed for what they are as will their cynical use of his death for their own narrow agenda. Republicans will not be intimidated from upholding the Republican position and the 32 County Sovereignty Movement are resolute in our intention to continue our work in Derry City and across the nation.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement are attracting disillusioned and disenfranchised Republicans right across Ireland and further a field as are other Republican organisations and the cynical manipulation of this tragic event illustrates how low Pro State Nationalists will go to undermine this growth, they will fail.

We note also the presence of the so called Deputy First Minister in Iraq. Just recently the same Minister greeted the US President to the Six Counties without a whimper of protest from him against the occupation and wholesale slaughter in that country. This reluctance to petition for protest against these blatant injustices is at least consistent with their equal reluctance to petition for protest against other high profile murders here because they do not afford him the same opportunity for cheap political kudos

The Irish Resistance Movement will not be forced to disband and anyone endeavouring to do so is not only naïve but is also acting in a dangerous manner. Attempts to foster a civil war mentality will also fail as all previous attempts have done.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement have this pledge to make to Republicans,
While the British Occupation remains so too will Irish Resistance to that Occupation

Monday, June 30, 2008

Wolfe Tone Commemoration

The 32 CSM held their annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration at Bodenstown Cemetery on the 29th of June 2008. Unfortunatly the IRSP who were originally attending were not present due to the passing away of one of their comrades. An oration was given by Marion Price at the graveside of Theobald Wolfetone and a wreath was laid as a mark of respect.

Link To Full Oration


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lisbon Article Published

The Sligo 32 County Sovereignty Movement's letter in response to the Lisbon treaty articles has been published in the Tuesday June 3 2008 edition of the Sligo Weekender.

Link To Sligo Weekender

Monday, June 2, 2008

Republican POW's protest at denial of Temporary Release

IRPWA: Republican POW's protest at denial of Temporary Release
Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association

Republican POW’s protest at denial of Temporary Release.On Friday 30th May, Republican prisoners on E3 wing, Portlaoise Gaol refused to lock up for a period of an hour in protest at the denial of the Minister of Justice to grant Temporary Release to two prisoners to attend their children’s first holy communion. The POW’s were joined in the protest by prisoners allegedly aligned to the Irish National Liberation Army on E4. The prisoners, Justin McCarthy from Dundalk and Shane Hickey from Cork, were denied TR without an explanation from the Ministry of Justice, this despite the fact that other prisoners, with different perceived affiliations have been granted TR for the same reasons recently.

The prisoners and the IRPWA are convinced that this denial of TR is based upon the perceived affiliations of the prisoners involved and is directly linked to attacks by the IRA in the six counties.The Officer Commanding of E3 made it clear to the governor of Portlaoise that this was a protest against Dermot Ahern and not against the prison which he accepted.

The IRPWA condemn the Minister of Justice for his pathetic and petty minded attempts to punish Republican POW’s and their families and we salute the IRA and INLA prisoners for the principled stance they have taken in order to highlight this injustice.

32 County Sovereignty Movement Rebukes Arguments Made On No Vote

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement Rebukes Arguments Made On No Vote

32 CSM Outlines Position On Recent Lisbon Articles

Press Release: 32 County Sovereignty Movement.



The 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Sligo would like to endorse the sentiments shown by Counciller Declan Bree in his column on the Lisbon Treaty referendum in a recent newspaper article, but also point out the failings put forward by the Yes camp.

John Perry claims that the No campaigners are basing their claims on false information in an attempt to frighten people into voting against the treaty. Article 48 is what he has highlighted as the point being falsified, yet reading point 5 it is clear to see what kind of democracy the EU is trying to put in place and force through. Even if Ireland says no, the EU after two years is entitled to refer the matter of this rejection to the European Council, and we can be under no illusions that this is a showroom to push EU agendas through against the will of the people no matter what happens.

Another point made by Marian Harkin at a recent meeting in the Glasshouse Hotel was that there is a safeguard to the Yes side, as even if approved, Ireland is allowed to review how it feels on the treaty in the future. The options after this review if Ireland feels she is being negatively affected are simlilar to Brian Cowens approach to the treaty as highlighted by John Ferry in a letter in the same newspaper, stay in tune and get on with it or exclude herself from the EU. This is the type of democracy we face these days from the Dáil to Luxembourg.Marion Harkin also opened her piece on the Treaty with a straight out assumption that the people of this region will simply vote No as a result of the cancer services issue, a sort of reprisal vendetta against the big wigs in Dublin. We would be willing to grant the people more respect in this manner and will not simply vote No because of their justified anger in relation to the dropping of critical health services for our region, but also because they see and realise the total negative and dominating effect this treaty will have on Ireland as a nation.

The next phase Marion moves onto in her argument is her points on the American Chamber of Commerce. She wants you to listen to a person speaking for American interests to determine Irelands future. She wants you to listen to a person speaking who will put profit in front of workers. A foreign multi national banding who speak only for the well being of themselves and their profits, not for the interest in Ireland.

If she is willing to tackle the issue along these lines, she should highlight the main points of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base across the EU which is being approved in this Treaty, which at first will be optional but if proving troublesome the Commision can take control and force it as a standard rate for all of the EU.

And mention the Laxal/Vaxholm case in Sweden,where workers from Latvia are being exploited by being paid Latvian minimum wage while working in Sweden, an action which has shockingly and worryingly been approved at the highest level by EU courts. Remember the fiasco we experienced here with workers being paid under miniumum wage at places like Irish Ferries, yet only this time these actions are being fully backed by the EU.

This treaty also asks you to accept making Irelands voice even smaller, take away Irelands right to a permanent voice to show its concerns and thoughts in Europe, and when this voice is allowed it will be elected in Brussels not in Ireland. The UK and Germany's influence will shoot upwards up to four times what it is currently. Democracy at work???

The EU started out as a loose economic grouping to try and nuture relations between countries on an economic scale. Now this loose grouping has come onto the road of eventually forming a complete EU state with everything being directed from Luxembourg, a United States of EU. The time has come for a stop to this move towards a centralised voice from the centre of Europe speaking for our interests and our people, and this is the time to say No.